As a player for Nashville Fútbol Club, I understand that I am not just wearing the jersey—I am representing my teammates, coaches, and the entire club. My actions on and off the field reflect the values of Nashville Fútbol Club, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship, integrity, and respect. This Player Code of Conduct serves as my guide to excellence, ensuring that I always embody what it means to be part of this club.
Player Code of Conduct: Responsibilities and Expectations
I will train and play to the best of my ability, striving for continuous improvement.
I will maintain a positive attitude, never give up, and contribute to a supportive, team-first environment.
I will provide positive encouragement to my teammates, fostering a constructive and uplifting atmosphere.
I will respect and be courteous to game officials, accepting their decisions without complaint during or after the game.
I will learn and adhere to the Laws of the Game, ensuring fair and knowledgeable play.
I will treat coaches, teammates, opponents, officials, and fans with respect at all times, regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
I will comply with the rules, policies, and procedures, including financial commitments, of both the Team and Nashville Fútbol Club.
I will be punctual and prepared for all training sessions and games, arriving with the necessary gear and a positive mental attitude.
I will notify my coach or team manager in advance if I will be late or unable to attend a team event, whether a training session, game, or meeting.
I will immediately report any injuries to my coach to ensure proper care and attention.
I will display sportsmanship at the conclusion of every game, being humble and gracious in victory and respectful in defeat.
I will prioritize my education, staying current in my studies and recognizing the importance of academics alongside athletics.
I will always represent Nashville Fútbol Club with Character, Integrity, Commitment, and Sportsmanship.
I will contribute to the cleanliness of our playing environment by picking up and disposing of trash after training and games.
By committing to these principles, I ensure that I am always upholding the values of Nashville Fútbol Club. Together, we stand for excellence both on and off the field, striving to create a positive and respectful soccer community.
Let’s continue to represent our club with pride, commitment, and honor in everything we do.